
Moxibustion is a safe way to help a baby who is breech to naturally move to the head-down position. We do this by burning moxa close to a point on each pinky toe for a specific amount of time. This is best done around the 34th to 36th week of pregnancy, but can still be utilized up to the 38th or 39th week if there's still enough room for the baby to move.

After an appointment at the office, you'll be sent home with some moxa sticks and proper instruction on how to do it yourself or with the help of your partner. 


Acupuncture can be used for almost anything that comes along with pregnancy. From first trimester morning sickness to third trimester sciatic pain, we have your back.

Labor preparation can start at 34 weeks to help give a gentle signal to the body that it’s getting close to delivery time. If labor hasn’t begun by 40 weeks, acupuncture can be used to safely induce labor. Studies show that women who receive pre labor acupuncture have smoother deliveries and usually require less or no medication.

Acupuncture can aide in healing after childbirth and can also be used to treat other common issues such as depression, mastitis, and lactation