TCM & Unexplained Infertility

Having a doctor tell you that they can't find a reason as to why you aren't getting pregnant can be disheartening and frustrating , especially if you and your partner have gone through a multitude of tests to explain an inability to conceive.  Other couples who have undergone the same tests, come back with a diagnosis for which they can explore different types of treatment. But for the approximate one in five couples whose infertility is unexplained, it becomes a guessing game as they wait for that one reason to be revealed.

Often, this diagnosis, or lack thereof, can cause feelings of guilt. One might wind up blaming themselves because of a previous abortion or because they waited so long to try to conceive. Whatever the case, some medical conditions defy explanation and unexplained infertility is just a reflection of present medical limitations.

Infertility is defined as the inability to conceive after 12 months of trying.  "Unexplained Infertility" means there is no medical reason the doctor can find within the realm of modern scientific understanding to explain why conception isn't happening. Many women with irregular menstrual cycles are given this diagnosis because their lab results show hormonal levels to be within the "normal" range. Western medicine is very good at measuring these levels when they reach critical levels, but what about subclinical (too small to detect) problems which may be interfering with a woman's ability to conceive or carry a pregnancy to term? This could just be a hormone being produced at the wrong time during the menstrual cycle, or a millimeter less depth in the endometrial lining. It could be the slightest change in the pH of the cervical mucus.

Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) could very well be the solution for couples diagnosed with unexplained infertility. To the eastern practitioner, unexplained infertility simply means impaired reproductive functioning and can be healed by bringing the whole body back to a state of balance. There is typically an indication where the underlying problem lies in symptoms involving the menstrual cycle, or feelings of hot or cold, fatigue or nervousness, etc. We use these clues, along with pulse and tongue diagnosis, to uncover subtle imbalances within the body and with acupuncture and herbal medicine we are able to correct them and promote reproductive health.

Our bodies are wonderfully complex functioning systems. Each part contributes to a working, thriving whole. If the body were an orchestra, every instrument should be in tune in order to produce the perfect song. TCM is particularly effective in helping tune your body, and for cases of unexplained infertility it can be the final piece of the puzzle.

If you are having difficulties getting pregnant or are planning on trying and would like to make sure your health is in balance, call Sarah Johnson L. Ac.