Treating Fatigue Using Traditional Chinese Medicine


Millions of people suffer from fatigue which can show up in a variety of ways. While many sufferers are able to push through it, others find it difficult to find the motivation and energy to get through daily life. Fatigue is different from the normal tiredness that comes after nights with too little sleep because it can cause physical and mental symptoms like difficulty concentrating, poor mood, slow reaction times, and feelings of physical heaviness or body aches.

If you feel like you're getting an appropriate amount of sleep and exercising regularly, but still feel exhausted, you probably have an imbalance that acupuncture and herbal medicine can help to correct.

Based on what we see and what you tell us, your acupuncturist will select a course of treatment to help you conquer the fatigue you've been experiencing. Below are some of the common patterns that we see, along with some symptoms and tips for self care:

  • Qi Deficiency: Fatigue that is worse after exertion and better with rest.

  • Yang Deficiency: Same signs of Qi deficiency, but with sensations of coldness.

  • Yin Deficiency: Fatigue that is accompanied by restlessness and heat signs such as night sweats or warm flushes.

  • Blood Deficiency: Fatigue accompanied by weakness, pale lips and skin, dry skin, or poor memory.

Self Care Suggestions

Feel like you fit into the Qi or Yang Deficiency Category?

  • Try to find a way to reduce your workload.

  • Dress warmly

  • Include spices such as cinnamon, ginger, nutmeg, clove, and garlic in your diet.

  • Avoid cold, raw foods. Lightly cook your veggies.

  • Try to get to bed earlier and start work a little later in the morning if possible.

For those who feel more burnt out from Yin Deficiency:

  • Avoid foods that are stimulating such as coffee and sugar.

  • Seek out activities that are calming such as yoga, Tai Chi, or meditation.

  • Eat small meals more frequently rather than large meals at once in order to minimize the post meal crash.

  • Incorporate Yin nourishing foods such as fish, bananas, mangoes, legumes, pork, and dairy.

If you fit into the Blood Deficiency category:

  • Eat beetroot, avocado, oysters, apricots, kidney beans, green leafy veggies and any iron rich food.

  • Wheat grass shots are a nice addition to your routine.

  • Have plant based proteins such as quinoa or whole grain buckwheat.

  • Drink plenty of water, but also try sipping on clear, clean broths throughout the day.


Whether fatigue is the main reason you are seeking acupuncture, or a secondary complaint, we might be able to help solve the problem. If there is an obvious reason for your fatigue such as anemia, poor sleep, thyroid disorder, etc., that will have to be addressed first, but acupuncture and herbal medicine, along with some simple nutritional and lifestyle changes can help boost your energy reserves, allowing you to feel more like yourself again.