5 Strange and Interesting Facts You Might Not Know About Acupuncture


Now that I've got your attention with this bizarre photo, check out these cool and interesting facts that you probably haven't heard about Chinese medicine! 

Historically, Chinese Medical Practitioners Didn't Get Paid 

Back in the day, Chinese medicine practitioners were paid to keep people healthy. People paid their doctor a regular fee unless they got sick. Then the doctor would not be paid until they were better. Clearly, this shows that Chinese medicine is a preventative form of medicine.

The Very First Acupuncture Needles Were Made of Stone

Bian Shi (stone needle) was a sharpened, polished stone used to treat illness during the New Stone Age in China. Much later, needles were made of silver and gold. Some practitioners still use silver or gold needles on occasion, but most opt for stainless steel. Much more comfortable for patients than getting poked with sharp stones!

President Nixon Brought Acupuncture Into The Mainstream In America (Well, Sort Of)

We can thank a small trip that President Nixon took to China in 1971 for bringing Acupuncture to the mainstream in America. New York Times Journalist James Reston happened to be accompanying Nixon on his trip and while they were in Beijing, Reston developed a case of appendicitis and had to undergo an emergency appendectomy. He treated his post-operative pain with acupuncture and was so amazed with the relief that Chinese medicine gave him that he decided to write about his experience in The New York Times, which was likely the first exposure many Americans had to traditional Chinese medicine (TCM).

A Blind Practitioner Revolutionized How We Use Needles Today

Probably most of the acupuncturists you would go to today use guide tubes for needle insertion. The reason we have them can be traced back to the 1600’s when Waichi Sugiyama, widely regarded as the Father of Japanese Acupuncture, invented them. He invented them because at a young age he actually lost his eye sight, and needed the tubes to guide the needles. This also meant that acupuncturists could start using finer needles.

Your Tongue Shows Us A Lot About Your Health 

If you've ever had an acupuncture treatment, there is a pretty good chance that at some point your practitioner has asked to take a look at your tongue. This may seem like an odd request, and for some, it might feel strangely intimate to show your tongue to a stranger, but there is a really good reason why we ask. Your tongue tells us about your overall health as well as how specific organ systems are functioning. Variations in the color, shape, coating, and texture can clue us in on a disharmony that may be happening in your body. If you want to know more about this subject, you can read this article.


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