Using Acupuncture To Promote Labor


Acupuncture has been used past and presently to naturally promote labor. It can be effectively used in the weeks of the third trimester by preparing the cervix, uterus, and pelvis for birth. It can also be used to initiate uterine contractions when the time is right, just before or after a due date. And as a bonus, acupuncture gives the mind and body a deep feeling of relaxation and calm, that will be helpful before an upcoming birth.

It has been observed that women who use acupuncture for labor preparation and induction have reduced rates of medical induction, decreased labor time, and need less the amount of medication during or after a birth. Studies show there are no adverse effects when using acupuncture for labor induction, and it is a safe, natural and viable alternative to medical induction.


Acupuncture encourages the body to naturally release hormones to aid in cervical dilation and to trigger uterine contractions. Because acupuncture aids the mother’s body to produce its own hormones, the mother and baby will experience a less-traumatic onset of labor. Points on the hand, shoulders, legs, and low back are typically used for this treatment. Myself and other pregnancy specialists give our patients instructions for acupressure, moxa, and other tools to use, so that they can continue their treatment at home.

Often a patient will only require one or two treatments before the onset of labor happens (which, by the way, is not going to happen in your acupuncturist's office, in case you were worried!) For others, it may take a few more visits, depending on how things have progressed in the past days. This should be right around week 39-40.

Personally, I hear that my patient will start having contractions (if they weren’t present already) in the next day or two and then nature takes course from there. If a patient has already been experiencing contractions, acupuncture can help to regulate them.

Week 34 is a good time to start labor preparation treatments.

If you are past that time, that’s fine.  You still have the advantage of labor progressing naturally even if you are already past your 40th week. But starting with labor preparation is ideal.

Sometimes a medical induction or a cesarean cannot be avoided if the health of the mother or baby are at risk. Acupuncture, however, can often times help avoid them.

Click here for more information about prenatal acupuncture and here for postpartum acupuncture.